Selasa, 10 Juni 2014

We Violence and World Education

The last days of this world our education often leads to violent and criminal acts. The function of education to spread the values ​​of peace tarnished individual action more use violent means than dialogue.
Antarpelajar brawl, school colleagues torture, murder, and even sexual deviation, the news spread to the recesses of the heart. It reflects the extent of re-education play a role in minimizing these barbaric acts.
What happens in our education is a reflection of the fact that occur in the real society. When violence becomes the only solution, when the state apparatus through've lost confidence and no longer respected citizens, the people will decide their own actions.
Clogged Communications
The root of the problem of violence even more diverse, although all boils down to one main issue, which is clogging the lines of communication in solving the problem. One by one the various issues raised. Industrial labor conflicts, conflicts in the name of religion, conflict natural resource asset seizure, thuggery, violence against school children, rape, and other conflicts which all lead to violence.
Various phenomena such violence showed the government's role in creating harmony weakened the nation's life. In fact, it can be assessed as if the government does not have the political will to address the fundamental problem the causes of violence. It can be seen from the more intense escalating violence and spread all over the country.
What is feared is more entrenched violence and used as an example only effective problem solving. This condition is of course very dangerous when people judge only by means of force problems can be overcome. People consider legal channels can no longer be trusted as a bridge to seek justice.
Law no longer has the power to create a society of justice and prosperity. Law is believed to favor only those who have power and those who have wealth. Laws can be purchased and intervention. Articles are easily bent to take sides. Justice mortgaged to private interests. Owner of justice in law is a mafia gang.
Shortcut Violence
Of it all, violence becomes an effective shortcut chosen in order to solve the existing problems. Communication channels to obtain justice already mastered mafioso. Cultural violence is growing more widespread, both in public and private life. As a result, security is scarce in this archipelago. All our lives are so close to the scent of violence.
Violence in many forms, motifs in part be cultural behavior until now a mainstream system that reduces indigo personality and gives an impression of how the climate of human solidarity is not yet fully capable of having loving personality.
In the context of religion, even though the discourse of pluralism and tolerance has often been noted in a variety of public discourse, the practice is not as easy as people think and talk about. Although there has been the realization that this nation is built not on the basis of religion, but rather by the joint force, the view over the "my religion" and "belief" is often the basis of a variety of day-to-day behavior of charged violence.
Although we realize the importance of the slogan Unity in Diversity, in practice not as beautiful and easy as the slogan pronunciation. There are many religious and social issues in Indonesia that haunt and inhibit the realization of solidarity, solidity, and religious tolerance in Indonesia.
Appreciating Differences
While it is often stated that we are a nation deeply appreciate the difference and do not use violent ways to solve the problem, it's all in the field is often simply a lie. So easily outraged difference by burning sacred place of worship a certain religion and other beliefs as misguided judge.
The root of all these problems is hatred. This is the beginning sectarian hatred. We do not acknowledge the existence of sectarianism in the Pancasila state. However, the reality on the ground is precisely the spirit of sectarianism and hatred that is always alive and fomenting violence scent.
In education, the spread of the values ​​of hatred is so easy to find. The students are not taught to consciously indifferent to differences. Potential hatred was getting bigger and will explode when getting the trigger.
Observing violence happening in the country, a variety of anxiety arose. We wonder why this nation is so easy to lose politeness, friendliness, and respect for diversity. Why as a nation we are easily upset, irritable, damaging the property of others, kill, and burn? Why violent behavior so quickly became the model to resolve all the problems in this country?
The basic thing that can be asked in this case is whether the violence is a form of siltation in understanding and actualize the teachings of religion. Called silting, because there is no value of any religion that teaches violence. Every religion teaches to live in peace. However, the word "peace" is easy to say, but so difficult to implement.
Religious leaders need to be reminded again, all religions teach love antarsesama humans. To that end, all religious people reject all forms of violence for whatever reason. Religious leaders need to assert, as a fellow human being citizens countrymen to always use the spirit of brotherhood and kinship in the form of heart-to-heart dialogue when addressing the issue.
Most importantly, religious leaders need to invite any of his followers to not easily provoked information that can not be accounted for in addressing the social life of the community. All religious people in Indonesia should always maintain harmony and harmony in diversity. Thus, the Indonesian nation can be an example to other nations.
In addition, the government and security forces in order to be responsive and careful in reading the situation. That's because the conflict is over and over is a form of government is weak and slow and read the security forces and the dynamics of the situation and the growing conditions. The government and security forces are obligated to protect all citizens and provide security as the embodiment of human rights of every citizen.

Development efforts of the nation's character is a common goal to bring humanity and justice as a means of unifying nationalities. Conditions of economic inequality, policy factors, the dominant role of the majority who do not appreciate the minority, and harassment against human dignity and justice make men easily frustrated. The acute sense of frustration would bring disaster to the country over the lack of hope for the future.

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